IBS is the key technological partner of Russian business leaders and government offices. The company solves complicated tasks of IT resources’ strategic development and process efficiency enhancement, provides services of managing system development, integration of business applications, design and installation of IT infrastructure, data and analytics management, system integration, development of software and unique individual solutions, information safety and outsourcing.

Among the company’s clients: Aeroflot, Gazprom, Gazprombank, Rosatom, Rosneft, Sberbank, Sibur, Transneft, Х5, Bank of Russia, Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, Federal Road Transport Agency, Federal Treasury, Federal Tax Service, Social Insurance Fund and a lot more. The most of Russian flagship companies are IBS’ clients*.

(*) Among the companies occupying top 50 positions in the rating of “500 Russian companies with the largest revenues (RBK 500) in 2017”.
